
Cthulhu Punk Is Go!


Come back Sunday! ( a brief introduction.)

   Welcome to the Cthulhu Punk Sunday Page which will debut right here on Sunday 8/14/11.  Cthulhu Punk is a full page every week comic strip that will always be free and new every Sunday.  Cthulhu Punk will be a seething mass of weirdness, horror, comedy, action, monsters, teenagers and teenaged monsters.  Because of my 'underground' adult comix past, let me specificly state that this comic will not include nudity, graphic sex or cuss words.  Unless you count #$%*!! as a cuss word.  However, having said that, let me go on to state that EVERYTHING else is fair game.  I have been introduced at comic conventions as the most psychotronic artist in America and I have no intention of relenquishing that title without a gunfight.  So strap in as a follower and come back weekly for a monster hit off the crack pipe of literature, CTHULHU PUNK!